
Is Liking Japan a Crime in Korea?

I like Japan and Korea. That’s not a secret. I left part of my heart in Okinawa’s dazzling ocean, my stomach in Chicago yearning for deep dish diabeetus on a plate, and I fell in love with Korea whilst traveling last year. I find when I get excited and I compare how similar they are (including […] Read more…

Making Friends in Japan versus Korea

I received a request for this post and I thought it was a great topic. Thanks for commenting and following my blog, everyone! Your support means the world to me. There were a few times I wanted to quit, but I’m glad I didn’t This post is dedicated to how I made friends in Japan […] Read more…

Reverse Culture Shock After Japan?

Weird question number one: “How was China?” I often got asked this after I came home for my month long holiday home from Japan. I would just smile and reply, “It was good, thanks”, to which someone else will correct them or I just ignore it and go about my day. Weird question number two: “Why […] Read more…

Love in Fukushima

This week’s guest post comes from Felicity, an Australian JET living in Fukushima. She writes about her romance with a Japanese man. Just before I got on a plane to Japan to join the JET Programme in July, 2012, my mother told me, “You won’t come back again now. You’ll marry a Japanese boy and […] Read more…

Nara is the Best Place in Autumn

Autumn in Nara is the best. The weather cools down during the day, you get healthy doses of cute fashion, and special fruits like persimmons are found in abundance. Fall is one of my favorite seasons and it’s the best time to travel if you love to photograph nature and the changing colors of the trees. While […] Read more…

How to Prepare for Typhoons in Japan

Japan is very prone to natural disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis, and typhoons. While most of us in affected areas keep calm like the Japanese do, we still need to be prepared. Okinawa is very typhoon prone and I know a few things about coasting through them gracefully. Luckily, the buildings in Okinawa are made of concrete and built […] Read more…

How to Survive Winter in Japan

Let’s get down to the nitty gritty shall we? Japan lacks proper insulation. Some of us may come from colder climates (like me, who comes from Chicago and our winters are no joke) so we think, “I’m a trooper! I’ll be fine.” No, really, it’s not a joke. I have JET friends in Hokkaido who keep […] Read more…

JET Program: Tokyo Orientation FAQ

Going to Japan for the first or [insert number here] time can be a wonderful, exciting and joyous time. If you’re reading this post, you’re most likely new to the rodeo so Gina Bear is here to help answer your questions and make your transition to the Land of the Rising Sun easier. Like you, […] Read more…

Cultural Fatigue in Japan

I’m taking a break from my helpful posts to discuss some very real topics. This post is kind of a damper, but cultural fatigue in Japan needs to be discussed. A new country isn’t always going to be perfect and sometimes you will get worn down. I looked up a great article about Cultural Fatigue on Vagabond […] Read more…

How to Survive Summer in Japan

Summer in Japan will probably be unlike summer in your home country. From the American side, everything is over air-conditioned and you almost never feel hot inside a building. My first summer in Japan was kind of miserable and I wish someone told me that Japan was an energy-saving country because they don’t turn on the […] Read more…

How To Survive Summer in Okinawa

Summer in Okinawa can be amazing. The color of the water becomes alive with the sparkling reflection of the sun, the fish are more vibrantly colored, and the sun is that much stronger. While many of us want to be beach bums or bunnies, we have to keep in mind Okinawa is closer to the […] Read more…

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