
Advice for Moving to Japan

Last time, I posted a Japan Thrival Guide on what to do before, after, and while in Japan. I think as someone who lived in Japan for three years, there are some things I wish I knew before arrival. A new country means lots of changes, but we also shouldn’t forget some of our own […] Read more…

Japan Thrival Guide

Before coming on JET, most of us are young, bright-eyed and bit naive about our next adventure. If you’d like more information on the JET Program, check out the JET section of my blog. I lived in Mexico for 3 months with my family over summer vacation as a child, but I had no idea what Asia was about. […] Read more…

What Makes Japan a Difficult Country to Live In?

For someone who has been living in Japan an extended period of time, you begin to ask yourself, what makes Japan a difficult country to live in? Sometimes living in Japan is difficult. In fact, sometimes Japan is one of the hardest countries to live in the world. Before coming on JET, I believed I would […] Read more…

Why is Dating Hard for Foreign Women in Japan?

Dating is hard anywhere. Why is dating hard for foreign women in Japan? Throw in a new culture, language, and country and BAM. You’ve got a recipe for confusion. In my experience, dating in Japan is hard. Don’t get me wrong, I’m definitely attracted to Japanese guys! I think they’ve got great hair and eyes, […] Read more…

How To Celebrate the New Year Japanese Style!

Everywhere in the world, we have unique ways of celebrating the New Year. For those who have been in college, we can reminisce happily on the drunken debauchery of the ringing in the New Year with annoying party favors and smudged mascara. (Or if you’re just that good, you looked flawless.) Bringing in 2013, I […] Read more…

How Being an Expat Changed Me

Being an expat is one of the hardest and most rewarding experiences of your life. You encounter hardships like culture shock, rejecting, accepting or assimilating to your new culture, and communication barriers. The list of hardships is long, but the rewards are longer. As an expat, you learn to get creative. You build a foundation […] Read more…

The Southeast Botanical Gardens in Okinawa

Okinawa is so full of pretties and wonderful things to do. Sometimes the most underrated places are the best. The Southeast Botanical Gardens are a hidden gem in the middle of the island. If you like nature, petting animals, and organic food, then this awesome outdoor park is for you. Check out this site and […] Read more…

Things I Don’t Understand About Japan

Japan can be a baffling and confusing place. I can tell you how strange it is, but until you experience it yourself, it’s something you’ll have to sit back and be bewildered with. With some things you have to shrug, say okay, and move on. Others will leave you with your brows furrowed trying to […] Read more…

Cheating in Japan

The divorce rate in Japan is low, but why? While it is a social taboo, there’s still some underlying factors. Social outings in Japan are a very important part of making connections. It’s a way to become friends with your workmates and foster a good workplace ethic. Most of these parties start with the first party […] Read more…

My Experience with Sexual Harassment in Japan

This blog post is still very, very difficult for me to read and talk about. Sometimes when I read it, I get a horrible flashback that reminds me of how truly helpless I was during these situations which it occurred. And I feel even more angry that the bystanders did nothing to help us when […] Read more…

Dating Military on Okinawa

Due to a suggestion from a friend, I wanted to discuss dating military on the island of Okinawa. At first, I was unsure how to handle this post due to the possibilities of being called unpatriotic, a military basher, and America hater. In the end, I realized, haters gonna hate and likers gonna like. Many, […] Read more…

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