Month: June 2015

How to Prepare for Typhoons in Japan

Japan is very prone to natural disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis, and typhoons. While most of us in affected areas keep calm like the Japanese do, we still need to be prepared. Okinawa is very typhoon prone and I know a few things about coasting through them gracefully. Luckily, the buildings in Okinawa are made of concrete and built […] Read more…

How to Survive Winter in Japan

Let’s get down to the nitty gritty shall we? Japan lacks proper insulation. Some of us may come from colder climates (like me, who comes from Chicago and our winters are no joke) so we think, “I’m a trooper! I’ll be fine.” No, really, it’s not a joke. I have JET friends in Hokkaido who keep […] Read more…

JET Program: Tokyo Orientation FAQ

Going to Japan for the first or [insert number here] time can be a wonderful, exciting and joyous time. If you’re reading this post, you’re most likely new to the rodeo so Gina Bear is here to help answer your questions and make your transition to the Land of the Rising Sun easier. Like you, […] Read more…

Cultural Fatigue in Japan

I’m taking a break from my helpful posts to discuss some very real topics. This post is kind of a damper, but cultural fatigue in Japan needs to be discussed. A new country isn’t always going to be perfect and sometimes you will get worn down. I looked up a great article about Cultural Fatigue on Vagabond […] Read more…