Month: March 2016

Everland Romantic Illuminations Photo Essay

One of the best ways to beat the February Blues is obviously go where the pretty lights twinkle and the hot chocolate and coffee shops warm up your chilly bones. Everland has some pretty awesome ones and I just couldn’t stay away. I love romantic date spots, so I obviously had to go with my […] Read more…

What Living In London Taught Me About Life

On today’s guest post, I’m super excited to feature my dear friend, Jaclyn Crawford. In high school, we played badminton, sang our favorite High School Musical songs at practice, attended bonfires and talked about our dreams. I remember Skyping her when she was studying abroad in 2012 and I thought, “She’s living on the other side […] Read more…

How Not to Be a Complete Dickhead in Japan

So you wanna travel Japan to see samurai, geishas, and funky style in Tokyo? Maybe you’ve heard about all the advanced technology and want to try authentic sushi? Japan is an awesome country to travel (or live), but you can’t just bust in, guns blaring, and expect Japanese culture to bend to your whim. You may […] Read more…

I’m Beautiful in Korea

I’m just gonna come out and say it. I’m an attractive foreigner in Korea. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and this beholder just happens to like the girl who stares back in the mirror much more than she did when she lived in Okinawa. When I lived in Japan, I experienced a self-esteem […] Read more…

A Local’s Guide to Chicago

Chicago will be your kind of town. Every time you leave, Chicago will be calling you home. It’ll say, “Don’t you wanna come back for a Chicago style dog or pie?” And no, I don’t mean actual dogs or a sweet dessert. I mean Chicago style hot dogs and pizza. When you visit Chicago, you’ll experience […] Read more…