Month: August 2017

Real Women Talk Dating Korean Men

I’m writing this post because over my time as a blogger in Korea, I’ve accumulated an inbox of similar questions with the same tune. “How can I date in Korea if I don’t have milky white skin? Isn’t that what all Korean guys like?” Sometimes I give an eye roll. Other times I’m downright astonished. […] Read more…

Getting LASEK at Glory Seoul Eye Clinic Gangnam

Did you know about 285 million people are visually impaired worldwide? In the US, over 40 percent of the population requires glasses for myopia or nearsightedness to be able to see. Since I was in first grade, I’ve always had to wear glasses. I’m dating myself here, but this was back in the 90s when […] Read more…

Thanks Nature Sheep Cafe in Seoul

To cafe or not to cafe? That is the question. When in Seoul, the answer is to always cafe. After all, you’ll never go to a cooler city with as many options.  Don’t be baaaaaa-shful when hanging around the Thanks Nature sheep cafe in Hongdae. 😉 This cafe has been super popular since the episode […] Read more…

The Most Romantic Korean Drama Film Locations in Seoul

Oh Korea… The Land of the Morning Calm and most importantly the land where all the fun happens. This is the country where the rich and famous play, romance flutters in the the air, and a city that never sleeps. Most of us fall in love with Korea at first for its music and dramas, […] Read more…