Month: October 2017

Jessner Peel and Pimple Extraction with Eunogo

I know beauty differs in the east and west, but let’s be real. The pursuit of beauty will always be a lifelong endeavor for the fairer sex. Like most Korean women, I ardently feel the need for youthful, beautiful and acne free skin. (I think living in Asia for 5 years caused me to be […] Read more…

My Favorite Facebook Groups for Travel Bloggers

Do you guys remember my Blarch Travel Blogging Festa? Yeah, me either. I was #crying because I have no idea why I decided to tackle a massive project at the start of the school year in Korea. Can you say, no life? I’m glad I got through it because the responses were overwhelmingly positive and […] Read more…

LASEK Recovery

What is it really like to recover from LASEK surgery? Everyone’s experience is different and everyone’s eyes heal differently. One of the things that was bothering me while searching the internet was the lack of detailed recovery information. I was mostly going by word of mouth and seeing what I could find on YouTube videos. […] Read more…

Underarm Laser Hair Removal Seoul | Abijou Clinic

Many people are under the impression that Korean skin care, beauty, services are only fit for the Asian market. They’re not. I’m a Latina female and I do have darker pigmented skin and the laser has been working great for me. There’s that myth debunked in the form of yours truly. Many clinics here in […] Read more…