Month: December 2017

How to be a Kpop Star for a Day

Have you ever wanted to be a Kpop Star for a day? I’m sure the thought has crossed your mind and perhaps tickled your fancy. I know it’s tickled mine! Kpop stars are known for being flawless, but who are the pros behind their flawless locks and amazing albums? When you come to Seoul, I […] Read more…

Elysian Ski Resort and Spa with Trazy Korea

So I’m going to get this out of the way because you know your girl is a HUGE fan of Trazy. They seriously have all the best trips and hookups when it comes to traveling around Korea. You like food? They’ve got you covered. Are you into beauty and skincare or seeing pretty gardens? Also […] Read more…

Healience Zen Village with Trazy Korea

I have  confession to make—I haven’t been well. On my blog, I usually keep things light hearted and funny. Life is too short to be worried about shit that won’t matter in ten years, but there are things going on in my personal life that have ended up crawling into my dreams and affecting my […] Read more…