You can be healthy anywhere in the world. And I say this with utmost confidence and experience. Even if it’s harder to find food you like or it’s a chore and a half to navigate the grocery store, it’s still possible. You have to be willing to make the sacrifices in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle especially in an Asian country. Many Asian people are smaller and many have the luxury of eating crap because they won’t pack on the pounds. But for Westerners who have to do different things to stay healthy, slim, and trim, it’s definitely a tricky world.

Before you throw yourself a pity party…. Just don’t. I’ve managed to stay healthy in Korea and I will also teach you how too. I thought I’d take this time to really let you all into my life and how I manage when the going gets tough.

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Mental Health

This category gets overlooked the most and I believe this is the start to bringing those changes you desire to your life. Every positive change starts with your thinking. Science dictates everything in this universe is made of energy. Whatever you put out there, whether it be positive or negative, it has an effect on your life.

Do you believe in the Law of Attraction? If you don’t, I highly suggest you watch this YouTube video and learn how it can affect you, your surroundings, and the people around you.

I know my thoughts are powerful and they can shape my day in a good or bad way. For instance, if I wake up in the morning and I stub my toe and then I think, “Fuck! My day is so shitty! I already stubbed my toe.” That one negative thought has been sent out into the universe and I’m only attracting negative things toward me for the rest of my day.

Now let’s repeat the same scenario and instead I think, “Awe man. I stubbed my toe. Luckily, I didn’t break my foot, I can still walk, and today is gonna be a great day anyway.” What I’m doing is putting positive thoughts and energy out into the universe and directing it back towards myself.

You are so powerful in your ability to change your circumstances, you don’t even realize it!

Every morning, I have a routine and believe me, it has done wonders. Right when my alarm goes off, and my dog Honey’s fluffy butt or ears are in my face, I start to pet her. You know when you’re in that state of still sleepy and slowly waking up? I start to think, “What am I grateful for today?”

And then I list the three things I’m most grateful for. Usually those include Honey, my good health, and waking up without back or foot pain if I stretched properly the day before.

I get out of bed and then get ready to take Honey out for our usual morning walk. As we walk, I watch her run around in all the dead leaves and I think, “What a happy, yet simple creature. She’s literally running around with the joy I had as a child when I would jump in piles of leaves and crunch them.”

After I come home, I clean her tear stains, her paws, and brush her and then make myself my favorite breakfast in the world… Toast, eggs, a sprinkle of pepper and avocado on top. Eggs will wake you up better than coffee and a healthy breakfast should be your priority in the morning.

I could go into all the boring details, but Gina Bear honestly loves ya’ll so much, I put together a wellness checklist you’re welcome to download.

I also want to break the mental health stigma so I also see a therapist once a week to work on my anxiety, depression, and my hatred toward men. My therapist Dave is absolutely amazing and I highly recommend everyone see a therapist. It’s like going to the gym for your mind. Click here to get one week of Betterhelp for free.

What to do when you’re depressed?

I don’t share my struggles with mental health often, but I’m only human too. I like to stay positive to inspire others to follow their dreams and live their best life, but I also think it’s important to be real too.

Here’s the truth. I’ve struggled with depression since college. It comes in waves, but I know once I hit rock bottom, the only way to go is up. I’m gonna be real. Yes, I cried every other day for three weeks in December. I’ve even cried all day before and calmed myself just in time before classes started. That’s how incredibly sad I was. I was tired, worn down, beat down, and sick all the time.

I was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis, which I have found is more common than I thought and I’m not alone in my suffering. I guess you could say misery loves its company, but I’ve found more support than anything by sharing my struggles. The same sufferers have reached out to me and also let me know some wonderful remedies to ease my own suffering.

I’d also been sick every month since September with colds because of the pollution here in South Korea, which has, in fact put a HUGE damper on my mood. And despite the grumblings of Koreans that it comes from China, 70% of the pollution comes from Korea because they refuse to stop using coal. Like… Is this the Industrial Revolution during the Victorian Era in London? It’s bloody 2019 for kimchi’s sake, and I know there have been cleaner uses of energy invented. *END RANT*

As you can see, when it rains, it definitely pours.

So what did I do when I was depressed? What a Gina Bear does best and throw herself into her creativity. I really thrive off creating fun and wonderful content for people to enjoy and learn from. This is what inspires me to be better.

If you’re also feeling depressed, I highly recommend finding an online or English speaking therapist. You can talk with someone who is a completely objective party and help give you suggestions to make your life better. I’ve definitely gone to many counselors throughout my life and I don’t see anything wrong with it. Much of the advice I was given, I still use today. I can’t tell you how important it is to talk to someone when you see no way out. You’re not alone, I promise.

I also take out my frustrations at the gym. Exercise is so damn important for your physical and mental well-being. It releases endorphins which keep you happy, and for me, it helps me sleep better. When I don’t exercise, my body doesn’t get as tired as it should and produce the melanin I need to fall asleep at the proper time.

Honestly, I’m probably the most complex person you’ll ever meet. I need a set schedule to function properly and that includes going to sleep and waking up at a certain time. In my experience, a set schedule will help you feel in control of your life when you feel it’s spiraling out of control. The schedule you make is something you can control and will help you regain your life.

So what did we learn from these shenanigans? Let’s recap. If you’re feeling especially down, then you should talk to someone. You should also exercise because it well help release those happy chemicals that can get you through the tough shit. Find a hobby or something you’re passionate about. (And no, this doesn’t include Netflix because staying in your bed and binging all the time isn’t beneficial to your health.) Have a set schedule because it’s something you can control and watch your mood adjust like magic. Don’t forget to keep practicing the Law of Attraction too.

Physical Health

In Korea, I constantly hear a slew of complaints that include, “The gym is so damn expensive and doesn’t have as much equipment as I would like!” First of all, a gym is better than no gym, and the Konglish of calling the gym, “Health” is dumb af. But seriously?

What this is really code for is, “I don’t speak enough Korean, and I’m intimidated to go to the gym and ask for a membership alone.” If you’re mad… Then I probably hit the nail right on the head. If not, continue reading.

Buckle up pork chop because I’m not gonna sugar coat anything for you. I did Cross Fit for awhile and I find it to be super expensive. It’s double the price it is in America for whatever reason aka about $210. If the price doesn’t deter you, there are boxes here in the big cities.

Click here for the official list of Cross Fit boxes in Asia.

However, if you want to spend you money on paying off student loans and travel, then a normal gym membership is probably the better and cheaper option.

For a six month membership, the cost is about $150. That’s about $25 a month with a bunch more equipment than you would have at home with somewhere to go. It also puts you in a place where you can socialize with local Koreans and even get personal training sessions, yoga classes, and dance classes. Sound pretty cool? I work out at Spoany Fitness and I’ve been pretty happy with that choice.

Click Here to find your nearest Spoany Fitness.

Maybe you’re out in the countryside with no access to gyms… Well, have you ever hard of G-Market and free YouTube videos and blog checklists? Seriously, that’s one of the things I love about the internet. All the FREE and GREAT stuff. G-Market is the Amazon of Korea and you will literally get what you ordered the same or next day. It’s like magic and thank GOD for Korea’s super fast shipping.

Still unhappy with the options I’ve given you? Well, ya schmuck, I guess it’s time to start changing your mentality! And for the record, I am considered plus size. I am a US size 12 and part of the thicc thighs club. Bite me.

Where to Find Motivation

Feeling unmotivated? Well, your girl has an entire playlist of motivational speeches and playlists for your pleasure. Listen to those speeches, songs, etc. like it’s the gospel of the lord. Implement some of the suggestions into your life. Again, this starts from your mind. No one can force you to do anything. You are the one that has to make those changes in your life. You also have to realize you are the architect of your destiny.

Gina’s Motivational YouTube Playlist

Healthy Diet

You are what you eat. And damn, I wish I would have taken this advice a lot more seriously than I did when I was younger. But hey, the best lessons are the ones we had to learn the hard way, am I right?

You may or may not have heard my story by now, but I went vegetarian about two years ago, and it was one of the best decisions I made in my life. I also have a blog post completely dedicated on how to be vegetarian in Korea. The journey to become vegetarian didn’t happen overnight. I did have moments in the first two months where I relapsed and I ate a bacon burger because it’s oh so delicious.

Then, I started replacing the cakes with protein rich foods like nuts, eggs, vegan shakes, and I stopped craving meat.

Becoming vegetarian was a personal lifestyle choice (I can’t go fully vegan because I love cheese too much.) I’m also not saying you have to become completely vegetarian in order to achieve the same results I did. What I do know is that if you cut out at least half of your meat intake, you will see results… With an added bonus of helping animals and saving the environment!

Within a month of being completely vegetarian, I noticed I dropped the weight so quickly and I wasn’t even working out properly either. Yes, Korea’s produce seems to be a lot more expensive; however, you can haggle with the ajhummas at the local markets for even fresher and better produce.

I also wanted to share with you my top five favorite vegetarian recipes that I can easily make in Korea.

  1. Spicy Kale and Coconut Fried Rice
  2. Minestrone Soup
  3. Vegan Black Burgers
  4. Crunchy Thai Peanut and Quinoa Salad
  5. Broccoli Casserole (because I have an oven)

Is Korean food hella bomb? If you don’t know, I’ve been raving about it for years. If you’re gonna eat out in Korea, stick to Korean food and eat a very small portion of rice because white rice will make you fat. The good news? Korean food comes in much smaller portions than food in America.

Also, I know that many foreign foods in Korea seem to be pumped with sugar… To the point where I can literally feel my teeth wanting to rot and fall out of my head. That includes completely fucking up my favorite junk food… Pizza.

I refuse to eat any bread if it’s not wheat and I don’t buy from bakeries like Paris Baguette. It’s seriously so bad for your wallet and waistline. The good news? There is a multi-grain bread and it’s the bread I choose to eat.

In addition, I also cook a lot of my favorite foreign foods at home like breakfast burritos (I can find flour tortillas at the Homeplus), foreign spaghetti sauce (or I make it), and I buy everything else off iHerb. Just because you’re in Korea, doesn’t mean you have to completely eat like a Korean. You’ll drive yourself crazy and really screw up your mental health.

I also recommend if you’re an English teacher not to eat the school lunches. They’re completely packed with calories and not good for your health at all.

Setting Goals and Achieving Them

One of the best ways to stay healthy is to set your goals and achieve them. Are your goals to get better at Korean? Work out and eat better? When you have an end goal in mind, it gives your life purpose. The fun part about being human? We can make new goals and achieve them over and over again throughout our lives.

Now I’m here to ask you to really think deeply about what your future goals are. Work on setting baby goals and then accomplish them one bit at a time. If you’re not in shape, then that’s okay. Set aside two days each week to start going to the gym and gradually increase the frequency.

One of the most important pieces of advice I want to give you is to NEVER let anyone get you down. Positive people are essential in your ability to keep your goals and set more. If you have surrounded yourself with negative people, then look on to the next point below.

Positive People

This is another thing a lot of people overlook. I make it a habit to surround myself with people with big goals and dreams. They are my inspiration and really drive me to keep going.

You will undoubtedly meet people in your life who tell you, “You can’t.” Yeah? Well I’m telling you, “You can.”

You need to slowly back away from people who bring nothing but negativity to your life. Being along is scary. I get it. I remember a time when I was in Okinawa and I literally had no friends. Everyone was talking bad behind my back, saying I would never make it as a blogger, and saying I was annoying. So what did I do?

I stepped back from all of them and hung out with people who actually liked me. I put myself in uncomfortable situations to make new friends. I hung out with my friends who I knew were more positive. If you find yourself in a situation like mine, you can take this time to really work on yourself. I delved deep into my hobbies like Cross Fit, Karate, and sanshin in order to be a better person.

When I got to Korea, I started going to YouTuber events and meeting other creatives like myself. I love being around other YouTubers, bloggers, photographers and entrepreneurs. I feed off their positive energy, ideas, and vibes. I also prefer hanging out with people who share my hobbies. I can relate.

You also need to be around people who will make you better and you will make them better. You are the very definition of the five people closest to you. So make a list of the people you hang out with. If they’re supportive, keep them around. If they’re not, well, I think you know what to do.

You don’t need to do a, “You’re cool, you’re cool. Fuck you, fuck this shit I’m out of here speech.” It’s a simple as politely declining to hang out and slowly distancing yourself. I’m Gina Bear, and I’m here to tell you, “You can do anything with the right group of friends.”

All in all, your dreams don’t work unless you do. Do you have a vision? Something you truly love in your life? My dream is to become a full time influencer and live creatively. I love to teach, but it’s not my passion in life. I know that by staying healthy, I can reach my goals because being in a sound mind and body will help me achieve what I want a lot quicker.

Don’t forget to download my healthy living in Korea worksheet because it’s a simple but good step in the right direction.

This post contains affiliate links which means at no additional cost to you, I make a small commission to help keep Gina Bear’s Blog running. Thanks for your support!

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2 Comments on How to Stay Healthy in Korea

  1. I love you literally. You ARE my role model even when I see you going through difficulties you get through them and that makes me think “wow , I can get through things too”. Your replies and advice as well as the attention I receive from you really really motivates me. THANK YOU GINA !

    • Thank you so much, Charlie! This makes me really happy to hear! I’ll keep pushing through because I have so many amazing people to support me, including you! <3

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