Searching for "living in japan"

Five Biggest Blogging Fails and How to Avoid Them

I’ve failed… A lot. And I’m not ashamed to admit it. In true Thomas Edison fashion, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that don’t work.” I’ve been in the blogosphere for quite some time and I’ve made more mistakes than I can count. I wish there were blogging courses available 5 years […] Read more…

How to Get a Job Teaching English in South Korea

Korea is kinda sorta the “IT” place to be in Asia. The Hallyu Wave is going nowhere and stronger than ever. While many are interested in this wonderful country for different reasons, it’s probably one of the best places for expats to live… And also hot spot for Kpop flower boys and girls. You get […] Read more…

How to Start a Successful Travel Blog

Hello, you bad ass blogger you. This is your internet mom/travel blogger advice guru. I’m sitting down with you here today because you’re thinking about starting a travel blog. Now before we get into the juicy details of starting from the group up, I want to ask you why you want to start a travel […] Read more…

How to be a Kpop Star for a Day

Have you ever wanted to be a Kpop Star for a day? I’m sure the thought has crossed your mind and perhaps tickled your fancy. I know it’s tickled mine! Kpop stars are known for being flawless, but who are the pros behind their flawless locks and amazing albums? When you come to Seoul, I […] Read more…

Getting LASEK at Glory Seoul Eye Clinic Gangnam

Did you know about 285 million people are visually impaired worldwide? In the US, over 40 percent of the population requires glasses for myopia or nearsightedness to be able to see. Since I was in first grade, I’ve always had to wear glasses. I’m dating myself here, but this was back in the 90s when […] Read more…

The Top Five Korean Traditional Experiences in Seoul

There are many reasons to love Korea and the traditional side is one of them. Over thousands of years, the peninsula has given birth to it’s beautiful and unique culture that span from food, mannerisms and architecture. When you first come to Korea, the people will captivate your heart (and let me tell ya, a […] Read more…

The Best Tokyo Accommodations: Hostels, Hotels and Boutiques

Time and time again, I often get asked, “Where can I stay when I travel to Tokyo?” Well you’re in luck because I’ve stayed at various places, but not one size fits all since I’m primarily a solo female traveler. With other amazing and kick ass female travelers, we bring to you incredible places to […] Read more…

Celebrating One Year in South Korea

Being in South Korea has been an incredible experience and I have loved every moment of it (well, almost every moment because living abroad isn’t without challenges). Since coming to the Land of the Morning Calm, I’ve had new misadventures and discovered an interesting culture completely different from the Japanese one I had become accustomed to. […] Read more…

Teaching at an English Village in Korea

Today’s guest post comes from an English teacher and blogger who goes by Spencer Travels. His blog, Travel by Broom chronicles his adventures in Korea and Southeast Asia. I always get a lot of questions on my YouTube channel about other options to teach English rather than at public school or hagwon so here’s your […] Read more…

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