East Asia

Romantic Date Spot in Oido

As humans we are all drawn to water. The human body is made of water, we need water to live, and water is healing. Mother Earth knew what she was doing when she graced us with two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. I couldn’t help being drawn by a romantic city by the ocean. […] Read more…

Everland Romantic Illuminations Photo Essay

One of the best ways to beat the February Blues is obviously go where the pretty lights twinkle and the hot chocolate and coffee shops warm up your chilly bones. Everland has some pretty awesome ones and I just couldn’t stay away. I love romantic date spots, so I obviously had to go with my […] Read more…

How Not to Be a Complete Dickhead in Japan

So you wanna travel Japan to see samurai, geishas, and funky style in Tokyo? Maybe you’ve heard about all the advanced technology and want to try authentic sushi? Japan is an awesome country to travel (or live), but you can’t just bust in, guns blaring, and expect Japanese culture to bend to your whim. You may […] Read more…

I’m Beautiful in Korea

I’m just gonna come out and say it. I’m an attractive foreigner in Korea. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and this beholder just happens to like the girl who stares back in the mirror much more than she did when she lived in Okinawa. When I lived in Japan, I experienced a self-esteem […] Read more…

Things I Miss About Okinawa, Japan

Dum, dum, dum. I hear the beating of the drums, the Eisa cries, and whistling in the distance. Sweat trickles down my back as I pull a purple fan with sakura out of my obi. I tuck my side-swept bangs back in their place as I sip an ice cold Orion beer. I see my friends […] Read more…

Romantic Winter Date Spots in Seoul

On the trees snow is glistening, lights are sparkling, and the air is alive with enjoyment. Picture cool winds as you wear your favorite parka and stroll Korea’s date spots season by season. Winter has a fantastic way of doing damage to our skin, hair, and morale, but the best part of living in Korea is […] Read more…

Cool Budget Friendly Activities in Hong Kong

I would like to thank Gina for publishing this article. Her site is an amazing place for information and tips about traveling in the Far East, as well as following her own adventure. After reading this article, I highly recommend you head over to this post to check out the pictures of the highlights of […] Read more…

Okinawa Japan is an Awesome Place to Live

In light of my Japan wasn’t awesome posts, I want to reiterate and tell you all why Okinawa was the shizz. Japan offers a great deal to many expats and these are also some reasons why I miss Japan. I made many friends who were so kind and warm hearted. I miss them a lot, […] Read more…

How I Lost Weight in Korea and Got Fat in Japan

Today’s post is an immensely personal one. If you’re looking for laughs, disregard this post, but if you’re interested in a part of my life I haven’t shared until now, keep on reading. Now I’ve spent some time away from Japan, I feel more comfortable writing the realities of what happened to my personal growth […] Read more…

Why I Prefer Living in Korea over Japan

When everyone thinks of Asia and cool things, they automatically say Tokyo, with its useless useful inventions, funky fashion, and interesting culture. Just an FYI, Tokyo is not a representation for all of Japan. I hardly hear anyone in the west talking about Korea even though Korea has proven to be more technologically forward compared […] Read more…

Korean Couple Rings

Korea has an enormous couple culture. It’s all about your significant other in Korea. There’s matching couple outfits, shoes, couple apps, rings, and the list goes on and on. You can get couple rings whenever, but the 100 day mark is when many couples decide to take the leap and get one. When you’ve weathered […] Read more…

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