Japan versus Korea

Why I Prefer Living in Korea over Japan

When everyone thinks of Asia and cool things, they automatically say Tokyo, with its useless useful inventions, funky fashion, and interesting culture. Just an FYI, Tokyo is not a representation for all of Japan. I hardly hear anyone in the west talking about Korea even though Korea has proven to be more technologically forward compared […] Read more…

Is Liking Japan a Crime in Korea?

I like Japan and Korea. That’s not a secret. I left part of my heart in Okinawa’s dazzling ocean, my stomach in Chicago yearning for deep dish diabeetus on a plate, and I fell in love with Korea whilst traveling last year. I find when I get excited and I compare how similar they are (including […] Read more…

Making Friends in Japan versus Korea

I received a request for this post and I thought it was a great topic. Thanks for commenting and following my blog, everyone! Your support means the world to me. There were a few times I wanted to quit, but I’m glad I didn’t This post is dedicated to how I made friends in Japan […] Read more…