Last time, I posted a Japan Thrival Guide on what to do before, after, and while in Japan. I think as someone who lived in Japan for three years, there are some things I wish I knew before arrival. A new country means lots of changes, but we also shouldn’t forget some of our own […] Read more…
How To Apply to Teach in Korea from Overseas
This blog post is dedicated to on how to apply to teach in Korea from overseas and how to do the paperwork in a timely and headache free manner. Doing this process from overseas can be frustrating and may end up making you give up. I want you to know you’re not alone. I went […] Read more…
Why is Dating Hard for Foreign Women in Japan?
Dating is hard anywhere. Why is dating hard for foreign women in Japan? Throw in a new culture, language, and country and BAM. You’ve got a recipe for confusion. In my experience, dating in Japan is hard. Don’t get me wrong, I’m definitely attracted to Japanese guys! I think they’ve got great hair and eyes, […] Read more…
How to Prepare to Leave JET
For JETs that are choosing to leave Japan and venture into their next step, I have compiled a list of things to make your transition easier. Leaving is a hard decision and the leaving process is even harder. The transition out is a sad one and Japan will forever be a part of you. The […] Read more…
The Southeast Botanical Gardens in Okinawa
Okinawa is so full of pretties and wonderful things to do. Sometimes the most underrated places are the best. The Southeast Botanical Gardens are a hidden gem in the middle of the island. If you like nature, petting animals, and organic food, then this awesome outdoor park is for you. Check out this site and […] Read more…
10 Reasons You Should Live Abroad When You’re Young
Living abroad is an incredible experience in life and not one everyone gets to do. You get to showcase your triumphs and fail. The good thing about this is that you learn from it and you never forget that chapter in life. More often than not, you can look back and say, “Yeah, I totally […] Read more…
Cheating in Japan
The divorce rate in Japan is low, but why? While it is a social taboo, there’s still some underlying factors. Social outings in Japan are a very important part of making connections. It’s a way to become friends with your workmates and foster a good workplace ethic. Most of these parties start with the first party […] Read more…